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Top 5 Machine Learning Intrusion Detection Systems Review

Top 5 Machine Learning Intrusion Detection Systems Review

In the ever-evolving landscape of cybersecurity, intrusion detection systems (IDS) are crucial in defending against unauthorized access and cyber threats. Machine learning (ML) has revolutionized IDS by enhancing their ability to detect anomalies and potential threats more accurately and efficiently. This article reviews the top 5 machine learning intrusion detection systems review, examining their features, performance, and suitability for various environments. We aim to provide a comprehensive overview to help organizations choose the best solution.

1. Snort


Snort is one of the most widely used open-source intrusion detection systems. Developed by Cisco, It employs a rule-based detection system and has incorporated machine learning techniques to improve its anomaly detection capabilities.


  • Rule-Based Detection: Snort uses a comprehensive set of predefined rules to identify known threats.
  • Real-Time Analysis: It performs real-time traffic analysis and packet logging.
  • Flexibility: Snort can be configured to run as an intrusion detection or intrusion prevention system (IPS).
  • ML Integration: Recent updates have integrated machine learning algorithms to enhance anomaly detection.


Snort is renowned for its robust performance in large-scale environments. Its machine-learning enhancements have significantly reduced false positives, a common issue with traditional rule-based systems.


Snort is ideal for organizations seeking a reliable, customizable, free solution with a strong community support base. It’s particularly suitable for enterprises with the technical expertise to configure and maintain an open-source IDS.

2. Zeek (formerly Bro)


Zeek is a robust open-source network analysis framework that excels in detecting anomalies through deep network traffic inspection. Its flexibility and extensibility make it a popular choice among security professionals.


  • Comprehensive Traffic Analysis: Zeek performs in-depth network traffic analysis, including HTTP, DNS, and FTP.
  • Scriptable Framework: It allows users to write scripts for custom detection logic.
  • Data Logging: Zeek logs extensive data for forensic analysis and incident response.
  • ML Capabilities: It integrates machine learning models to enhance its anomaly detection capabilities.


Zeek’s performance in detecting sophisticated attacks is impressive, thanks to its deep packet inspection and customizable detection scripts. The integration of machine learning has further improved its accuracy in identifying subtle anomalies.


Zeek is suitable for organizations that need a highly customizable and extensible IDS. It requires expertise to set up and manage but offers unparalleled flexibility and detailed traffic analysis.

3. Suricata


Suricata is an open-source threat detection engine with robust intrusion detection and prevention capabilities. Managed by the Open Information Security Foundation (OISFit ), it leverages machine learning to improve its threat detection accuracy.


  • Multi-Threading: Suricata supports multi-threading, enhancing its performance in high-traffic environments.
  • Protocol Detection: It supports many protocols, including HTTP, HTTPS, and FTP.
  • Real-Time Detection: Suricata offers real-time intrusion detection and prevention.
  • ML Enhancements: Machine learning algorithms refine their detection capabilities, reducing false positives.


Suricata is known for its high performance and accuracy, especially in high-bandwidth environments. Its machine-learning enhancements have significantly improved its ability to detect previously unknown threats.


Suricata is an excellent choice for organizations seeking high-performance IDS/IPS withholding support for multi-threading and protocol detection. It’s suitable for both large enterprises and small—to medium-sized businesses.

4. Wazuh


Wazuh is an open-source security monitoring platform integrating intrusion detection, log analysis, and vulnerability detection. Using machine learning algorithms for threat detection and analysis sets it apart.


  • Unified Security Monitoring: Wazuh combines IDS with log analysis and vulnerability detection.
  • Scalability: It can scale to monitor large environments with thousands of endpoints.
  • Real-Time Alerts: Provides real-time alerts and notifications for detected threats.
  • ML Integration: Machine learning enhances its detection and analysis capabilities.


Wazuh performs exceptionally well in environments that require comprehensive security monitoring. Its machine learning algorithms have improved its accuracy in detecting threats and anomalies.


Wazuh is ideal for organizations looking for an integrated security monitoring solution that includes intrusion detection, log analysis, and vulnerability management. It’s suitable for businesses of all sizes, especially those needing a scalable solution.

5. Security Onion


Security Onion is a Linux distribution for intrusion detection, network security monitoring, and log management. It combines several open-source tools, including Snort, Zeek, and Suricata, to provide a comprehensive security solution.


  • Integrated Tools: Combines multiple open-source security tools into a single platform.
  • Scalability: Can be deployed on a single host or across a distributed network.
  • Real-Time Monitoring: Offers real-time monitoring and alerting capabilities.
  • ML Capabilities: Integrates machine learning models to enhance threat detection.

PerformanIntegrating several powerful open-source tools bolsters ce

Security Onion’s performances. Its machine-learning capabilities have improved its ability to detect sophisticated threats and reduce false positives.


Security Onion suits organizations that want a comprehensive security solution that combines multiple tools. It benefits security operations centres (SOCs) and environments requiring extensive monitoring and analysis capabilities.


Selecting the right intrusion detection system is critical for any organization’s cybersecurity strategy. Machine learning has significantly enhanced IDS capabilities, making them more effective at detecting and responding to threats. The top five machine learning intrusion detection systems reviewed here—Snort, Zeek, Suricata, Wazuh, and Security Onion—each offer unique features and benefits, catering to different organizational needs.

Summary Table

IDSKey FeaturesBest For
SnortRule-based detection, real-time analysis, ML integrationOrganizations needing a customizable and free IDS
ZeekDeep traffic analysis, scriptable framework, ML capabilitiesOrganizations needing highly customizable IDS
SuricataMulti-threading, protocol detection, real-time detection, ML enhancementsHigh-performance IDS for large enterprises
WazuhUnified security monitoring, scalability, real-time alerts, ML integrationIntegrated security solution for all sizes
Security OnionIntegrated tools, scalability, real-time monitoring, ML capabilitiesComprehensive security solution for SOCs

Each of these systems leverages machine learning to provide enhanced detection capabilities, making them practical tools in the fight against cyber threats. The choice between them will depend on your specific needs, technical expertise, and the scale of your network.

By carefully evaluating the features and performance of each IDS, organizations can select a solution that not only meets their current security requirements but also scales with their growth and evolving threat landscape. Embrace the power of machine learning in intrusion detection to fortify your cybersecurity defences and protect your digital assets effectively.

If you want to learn more about the top 5 machine learning intrusion detection systems, read the review here.

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Stanley Iroegbu

A British Publisher and Internet Marketing Expert